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Contact: Mr.chen, sales manager
company address:Mainan town of Wenchang City, Hainan Province, China Hainan Xingguang Active Carbon Co., Ltd.
Activated carbon is used to purify liquids and gases in a variety of applications, including municipal drinking water, food and beverage processing, odor removal, industrial pollution control, and point-of-use filters in the home. Public awareness and the concern about safe drinking water have driven consumers to install point-of-use carbon systems in their homes, further purifying the water that they drink.
Many of these home water filters use activated carbon to reliably remove dissolved impurities and disinfection byproducts that can make water taste bad. But what is activated carbon and how does it work?
Activated carbon has an incredibly large surface area per unit volume, and a network of submicroscopic pores where adsorption takes place. |
Activated carbon is a material that is produced from carbonaceous source materials, such as coal, coconuts, nutshells, peat, wood, and lignite.
The primary raw material used for activated carbon is any organic material with a high carbon content. The carbon-based material is converted to activated carbon through physical modification and thermal decomposition in a furnace, under a controlled atmosphere and temperature.
The finished product has a large surface area per unit volume and a network of submicroscopic pores where adsorption takes place.
An activated carbon product can be characterized by its activity and physical properties. Activity properties include pore size distribution that defines the available pore volume of a carbon over three pore size regions: the micropore, mesopore, and macropore regions
? Micropore region - less than 100 Angstroms
? Mesopore region - between 100 and 1,000 Angstrom
? Macropore region - greater than 1,000 Angstroms
Pore size distribution properties are key indicators of a carbon's potential performance for removing contaminants (adsorbates) from water. The molecules encountered in the gas phase are generally smaller than those in the liquid phase applications; therefore, a gas phase carbon has the majority of its pores concentrated in the micropore region.
A broad range of pore sizes must be available, both for ease of movement of adsorbates through the carbon pores and for the adsorption of particular molecular sizes. Liquid phase carbons often contain a broader pore size distribution to remove color bodies and larger organic materials, while maintaining some microporosity for the removal of taste and odor compounds.
Physical properties include surface area, product density, mesh size, abrasion resistance, and ash content.
Typical measured carbon properties include:
Iodine Number - standard testing done to estimate the surface area of the activated carbon by measuring iodine adsorption at a given set of standard testing conditions, reported in mg I2 adsorbed per gram carbon
Surface Area - amount of surface available for adsorption for a given mass of carbon, measured using techniques such as BET nitrogen adsorption; reported in units of m2/g
Product Density - several properties available, including apparent density which is the density of the carbon at maximum packing efficiency, reported in g/cc or lbs/cf
Mesh Size - measure of particle range of the granular product, usually reported as a range of sieve openings, such as 12 x 40 for a carbon that passes a 12 mesh screen, but is retained on a 40 mesh screen with a specification on the amount that can be retained on the larger opening screen or passing the smaller opening screen; basis is US sieve sizes Abrasion Number - measure of the ability of the carbon product to resist attrition; this important property permits one to understand how durable the activated carbon is in applications where backwashing is required, carbon will be transferred, or treatment velocities are above average
Ash Level - a measure of the non-carbon content of the activated carbon; all base materials have a certain ash constituency, with the content varying from base material to base material; for example, coconut shell carbon tends to have more alkali earth metals, while coal-based carbons have more heavy metals
Physical adsorption is the primary means by which activated carbon works to remove contaminants from liquid or vapor streams. Carbon's large surface area per unit weight allows for contaminants to adhere to the activated carbon media.
The large internal surface area of carbon has several attractive forces that work to attract other molecules. These forces manifest in a similar manner as gravitational force; therefore, contaminants in water are adsorbed (or adhered) to the surface of carbon from a solution as a result of differences in adsorbate concentration in the solution and in the carbon pores.
Physical adsorption occurs because all molecules exert attractive forces, especially molecules at the surface of a solid (pore walls of carbon), and these surface molecules seek to adhere to other molecules.
The dissolved adsorbate migrates from the solution through the pore channels to reach the area where the strongest attractive forces are located. Contaminants adsorb because the attraction of the carbon surface for them is stronger than the attractive forces that keep them dissolved in solution. Those compounds that exhibit this preference to adsorb are able to do so when there is enough energy on the surface of the carbon to overcome the energy needed to adsorb the contaminant.
Contaminants that are organic, have high molecular weights, and are neutral, or non-polar, in their chemical nature are readily adsorbed on activated carbon. For water adsorbates to become physically adsorbed onto activated carbon, they must both be dissolved in water so that they are smaller than the size of the carbon pore openings and can pass through the carbon pores and accumulate.
Besides physical adsorption, chemical reactions can occur on a carbon surface. One such reaction is chlorine removal from water involving the chemical reaction of chlorine with carbon to form chloride ions.
Activated carbon is used in gas purification, decaffeination, gold purification, metal extraction, water purification, medicine, sewage treatment, air filters in gas masks and respirators, filters in compressed air and many other applications.
Filters with activated carbon are usually used in compressed air and gas purification to remove oil vapors, odor, and other hydrocarbons from the air. The most common designs use a 1-stage or 2 stage filtration principle in which activated carbon is embedded inside the filter media.
Activated carbon is also used in spacesuit Primary Life Support Systems.
Activated carbon filters are used to retain radioactive gases within the air vacuumed from a nuclear boiling water reactor turbine condenser.The large charcoal beds absorb these gases and retain them while they rapidly decay to non-radioactive solid species. The solids are trapped in the charcoal particles, while the filtered air passes through.
* Water Treatment
The coconut shell activated carbon has the features of highly developed pore structure, large specific surface area, good hardness, good stability, easy regeneration ,etc. It is widely used for water purification/water treatment in beverage industry, thermal power plants and nuclear industry.
*Gold Mining
The coconut shell activated carbon has the features of highly developed pore structure, large specific
surface area, good hardness, excellent adsorption capacity, absorption speed, easy desorption,
repeated regeneration etc. It is mainly used in extracting gold by CIP (carbon-in-pulp) method.
*Respirators/Protective Masks Uses
The main process is to choose the best quality, the best porosity of activated carbon as based carbon,and made it after finishing treatment, dipping chemical catalyst, temperature pyrolysis, drying, dedusting and other processing procedures . Products have a large surface area, fast chemical catalytic reaction, good anti-virus performance, high mechanical strength, and easy to produce charcoal,which is widely used in military and civilian gas masks, protective masks, various types of canisters, cartridges, anti-virus filters and special fume hood filter plate ,etc
activated carbon for super-capacitor is produced by various nut shell, after chemical activation and special refined post-processing . This product has an extremely well-developed pore structure and high specific surface area,low ash content, high energy density and power density, the charging time is short, the charge-discharge efficiency,high
charge and discharge cycles,good electrochemical stability,environmentally friendly, wide temperature range and other characteristics. Widely used in electric vehicles,hybrid vehicles, electric tools, electric toys,railway systems, power systems battery cathode materials field.
Activated carbon is used to treat poisonings and overdoses following oral ingestion. It is not effective for a number of poisonings including strong acids or alkali, cyanide, iron, lithium, arsenic, methanol, ethanol or ethylene glycol.Tablets or capsules of activated carbon are used in many countries as an over-the-counter drug to treat diarrhea, indigestion, and flatulence.
Incorrect application (e.g., into the lungs) results in pulmonary aspiration which can sometimes be fatal if immediate medical treatment is not initiated. The use of activated carbon is contraindicated when the ingested substance is an acid, an alkali, or a petroleum product.
Activated carbon, in 50% w/w combination with celite, is used as stationary phase in low-pressure chromatographic separation of carbohydrates (mono-, di-trisaccharides) using ethanol solutions as mobile phase in analytical or preparative protocols.
Activated carbon is usually used in water filtration systems. In this illustration, the activated carbon is in the fourth level (counted from bottom).
Activated carbon (charcoal) is an allowed substance used by organic farmers in both livestock production and wine making. In livestock production it is used as a pesticide, animal feed additive, processing aid, nonagricultural ingredient and disinfectant. In organic winemaking, activated carbon is allowed for use as a processing agent to absorb brown color pigments from white grape concentrates.
Activated carbon filters (AC filters) can be used to filter vodka and whiskey of organic impurities which can affect color, taste, and odor. Passing an organically impure vodka through an activated carbon filter at the proper flow rate will result in vodka with an identical alcohol content and significantly increased organic purity, as judged by odor and taste.
Research is being done testing various activated carbons' ability to store natural gas and hydrogen gas. The porous material acts like a sponge for different types of gases. The gas is attracted to the carbon material via Van der Waals forces. Some carbons have been able to achieve bonding energies of 5KJ per mol . The gas may then be desorbed when subjected to higher temperatures and either combusted to do work or in the case of hydrogen gas extracted for use in a hydrogen fuel cell. Gas storage in activated carbons is an appealing gas storage method because the gas can be stored in a low pressure, low mass, low volume environment that would be much more feasible than bulky on board compression tanks in vehicles. The United States Department of Energy has specified certain goals to be achieved in the area of research and development of nano-porous carbon materials. All of the goals are yet to be satisfied but numerous institutions, including the ALL-CRAFT program
Activated carbon is commonly used on the laboratory scale to purify solutions of organic molecules containing unwanted colored organic impurities.
Activated carbon, often infused with sulfur or iodine, is widely used to trap mercury emissions from coal-fired power stations, medical incinerators, and from natural gas at the wellhead. This carbon is a specialty product costing more than US$4.00 per kg. However, it is often not recycled.
Activated carbons are complex products which are difficult to classify on the basis of their behaviour, surface characteristics and other fundamental criteria. However, some broad classification is made for general purpose based on their size, preparation methods, and industrial applications.
Normally, activated carbons (R 1) are made in particulate form as powders or fine granules less than 1.0mm in size with an average diameter between 0.15 and 0.25mm. Thus they present a large surface to volume ratio with a small diffusion distance . Activated carbon (R 1) is defined as the activated carbon particles retained on a 50-mesh sieve (0.297 mm).
PAC material is finer material. PAC is made up of crushed or ground carbon particles, 95-100% of which will pass through a designated mesh sieve. The ASTM classifies particles passing through an 80-mesh sieve (0.177 mm) and smaller as PAC. It is not common to use PAC in a dedicated vessel, due to the high head loss.
Granular activated carbon has a relatively larger particle size compared to powdered activated carbon and consequently, presents a smaller external surface. Diffusion of the adsorbate is thus an important factor. These carbons are suitable for absorption of gases and vapors, because they diffuse rapidly. Granulated carbons are used for water treatment, deodorization and separation of components of flow system and is also used in rapid mix basins. GAC can be either in granular or extruded form. GAC is designated by sizes such as 8x20, 20x40, or 8x30 for liquid phase applications and 4x6, 4x8 or 4x10 for vapor phase applications. A 20x40 carbon is made of particles that will pass through a U.S. Standard Mesh Size No. 20 sieve (0.84xmm) (generally specified as 85% passing) but be retained on a U.S. Standard Mesh Size No. 40 sieve (0.42xmm) (generally specified as 95% retained). AWWA (1992) B604 uses the 50-mesh sieve (0.297 mm) as the minimum GAC size. The most popular aqueous phase carbons are the 12x40 and 8x30 sizes because they have a good balance of size, surface area, and head loss.
Extruded activated carbon combines powdered activated carbon with a binder, which are fused together and extruded into a cylindrical shaped activated carbon block with diameters from 0.8 to 130 mm. These are mainly used for gas phase applications because of their low pressure drop, high mechanical strength and low dust content. Also sold as CTO filter (Chlorine, Taste, Odor).
Bead activated carbon is made from petroleum pitch and supplied in diameters from approximately 0.35 to 0.80 mm. Similar to EAC, it is also noted for its low pressure drop, high mechanical strength and low dust content, but with a smaller grain size. Its spherical shape makes it preferred for fluidized bed applications such as water filtration.
Porous carbons containing several types of inorganic impregnate such as iodine, silver, cations such as Al, Mn, Zn, Fe, Li, Ca have also been prepared for specific application in air pollution control especially in museums and galleries. Due to its antimicrobial and antiseptic properties, silver loaded activated carbon is used as an adsorbent for purification of domestic water. Drinking water can be obtained from natural water by treating the natural water with a mixture of activated carbon and Al(OH)3, a flocculating agent. Impregnated carbons are also used for the adsorption of Hydrogen Sulfide(H2S) and thiols. Absorption rates for H2S as high as 50% by weight have been reported.
This is a process by which a porous carbon can be coated with a biocompatible polymer to give a smooth and permeable coat without blocking the pores. The resulting carbon is useful for hemoperfusion. Hemoperfusion is a treatment technique in which large volumes of the patient's blood are passed over an adsorbent substance in order to remove toxic substances from the blood.